And just like that, M-A Salons Hessle is OFFICIALLY OPEN and an amazing first week of gorgeous clients new and existing!
I know, I know. Another salon in Hessle, numerous times I’ve heard we don’t need another salon and this really irritates me, why because people
See nothing but a salon, not what a business creates.
*£60,000 renovation
*The Risk, taking to turn an amazing space into something stunning and remove an empty shop off the high street.
*Creating more local jobs
And most importantly, creating a stunning work and salon environment for our team and salon guests giving them a luxurious salon environment and experience.
Stress of a new salon and renovation from an old bank to a Luxurious M-A Salons hasn’t been easy due to 3, yes 3 Cowboy builders, a laid tile floor that had to be pulled back up, 2 open dates which were delayed, flooded ceiling near an open day and live wires hanging from the first builder!
CHRIST, WERE HERE PHEWW!!!! However; 20th June 2022 see’s the opening of our second baby and boy do we have an amazing expert team which we’re always looking to expand. We would love to say thank you to Wella Professionals and Kevin Murphy for helping stock our Elite Salon, you da best!
A Huge thank you to all of our family and friends too who helped. Honestly couldn’t do me it without you Nana, Mum, Dad, Greg, Paul, Andrew, Chas and the reluctant Mike on occasion, truly grateful.
Have a nice little look at the before and afters and we hope to see you all soon even for a look around and a nosey. Get some pictures, get tagging and tell all your friends.

You can book online at or call us on 01482 526 374.
M-A Hull still open as usual 01482 440332